
How do cats react to catnip toys ?

I bought my 5 yrs old neutered male a new catnip mouse and a bed with a catnip pouch , he was crazy about the catnip mouse for a minutes then he completely lost interest , also he kept smelling the underside of the bed where the catnip pouch is , and scent marking the side of the bed by he didn’t sleep in it , how can i get him to like both ?
i want to use the catnip toys to lure him into doing things

My cat has the same bed. Most cats like catnip because of the smell but they won’t be OBSESSED with it. They will play with it for a few seconds then lose interest for the rest of the day. You may want to find something else to help you lure him into things.

3 Responses to “How do cats react to catnip toys ?”

  1. nicky read Says:

    catnip is a plant that they are attracted to, i think its mainly a plaything i dont know if you can use it to make it sleep in the bed, maybe he now sees his bed as a toy
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  2. Kim Says:

    My cat has the same bed. Most cats like catnip because of the smell but they won’t be OBSESSED with it. They will play with it for a few seconds then lose interest for the rest of the day. You may want to find something else to help you lure him into things.
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  3. David Beck Says:

    Some cats aren’t as affected as others when it comes to cat nip. I have one high strung cat who goes bonkers over catnip and a really mellow cat that isn’t affected at all. Depends on the breed I guess. Back to you… I would probably take the catnip pouch out of the bottom because its basically like weed for cats. They won’t sleep if they know its there. Also, try enticing your cat with treats instead of catnip.

    BTW Maui Wowie catnips works wonders. Treatwise, no hairball stuff. It makes them pukey.

    Also has your cat ever been introduced to catnip. Foreign substances may say to a cat ‘this spots taken’ just like scent.
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    Proud Cat Owner

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