
Why do dogs need play toys like balls, frisbees etc, but cats usually don’t? They always say get toys for dogs?

Yet, ppl don’t say get many toys for cats to play with. Why the difference? Why do dogs need toys for stimulation and such but NOT cats, for the most part? Only helpful & serious answers please.

Because dogs get bored and cats just go to sleep. When dogs get bored the start finding toys to entertain themselves. Like shoes, socks, underware and trash bins.

8 Responses to “Why do dogs need play toys like balls, frisbees etc, but cats usually don’t? They always say get toys for dogs?”

  1. Fastbreak Says:

    because dogs have small brains so therefore they need something to entertain them, while cats on the other hand just need catnip.
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  2. Jadielee Says:

    Cats need toys too. I’ve always gotten my cats things they can play with.
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  3. bushtender Says:

    Because dogs get bored and cats just go to sleep. When dogs get bored the start finding toys to entertain themselves. Like shoes, socks, underware and trash bins.
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  4. jbiebs Says:

    Because dogs need more to chew on. They also need to be entertained longer
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  5. bonnijar Says:

    Because dogs have minds that like entertainment. Cats on the other hand can sit and stare at a corner for hours and be content – we’ll just call it personal reflection.
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  6. Gidget Says:

    Cats have toys! I don’t have a cat but I know they have you mouses for them that you wind up and it moves. That toy on a string that you make them chase. Catnip…. That’s all I know but I think there’s more
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  7. Ray Patterson Says:

    Forget what people don’t say. Dogs don’t really need toys, it’s the people! Dogs love to have a way of connecting with their people. If dogs could talk, they’d never shut up. They know who’s the boss, who they count on for food and a place to stay. They’d love a nice long conversation with you, but they seem to realize THAT’s out. So they play with humans instead, with fun and toys as the common language. Before dogs were domesticated, they couldn’t have cared less. Everything dogs do in the wild they do together, in a pack. Now you are part of your dog’s pack. Dogs have been domesticated for 14,000 years, but they are still pack animals. Just because they’re with you doesn’t mean they don’t think of themselves as being in a pack. Cats, on the other hand, have only been domesticated for half that time. In addition, cats have always been solitary animals. They hunt and live alone. The only time they insist on getting together is to steal another cat’s food or girlfriend. Dogs share these things. You don’t see a herd of cats running together, do you? This is why. But that doesn’t mean cats don’t like to have fun. I am a lifelong cat and dog owner, and my cats love to play – I’m here to tell ya. And they love their toys. It’s just not their chief preoccupation. Sleep is. And getting you to do what they want.
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    Lifelong owner. And a long life.

  8. George Says:

    Well, cats sleep quite a bit during the day and like to go outside and "play" at night. They can usually find something outside to play with but because dogs aren’t really night animals they would prefer to play with their owner or an object.
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    I personally prefer cats but I find dogs very comforting.

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