
Why do cats like to hide there toys?

I have bought my cat many toys and she loves playing with them,

But she also loves to hide them later after she plays with them and I have a hard time looking for them for days!!! I

am tired of buying her new toys due to the fact she hides the old ones. And never gets them or forgets where she hide it!

hahah its just their thing, i have 3 and they all have their own special places to hide them when my dad was cleaning he moved a dresser and he found a while bunch and i moved this chair thing and there was some there too..

2 Responses to “Why do cats like to hide there toys?”

  1. Percy-and-Penny Says:

    - under your bed
    - under your sofa
    - under your dresser

    And notorious for eating smaller cat toys – under the refrigerator or oven.

    My cats don’t hide their toys but I have ferrets that STEAL all their toys. Once a week I’ll lay on the floor and reach under my bed and pull out 57 stuffed mice, catnip toys, feather wands, etc.

    edit: oops – I just realized you asked WHY and not WHERE lol Why… because they know that you’ll just buy them something more interesting once you can’t find the ones they whacked under the bed/sofa/fridge, etc
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  2. sureeee Says:

    hahah its just their thing, i have 3 and they all have their own special places to hide them when my dad was cleaning he moved a dresser and he found a while bunch and i moved this chair thing and there was some there too..
    References :

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