
What toys do your cats play with that were not intended as toys?

My cat likes:

- Taco Bell wrappers

- Milk Jug rings, tabs

- Twist ties

- Beer tops

- Toilet paper/paper towel rolls(he gets in trouble for those, he tends to shed em up)

- Cardboard boxes

What about yours? feel free to mention items I have listed…

My best answer will be chosen by quantity of unique items.

-bobby pins
-their shadows
-the bathroom sink faucet
-the tub faucet after we shower and it is dripping
-the television (they love watching tennis, and trying to catch the ball)
-really anything that is not interesting, becomes interesting to them

15 Responses to “What toys do your cats play with that were not intended as toys?”

  1. karen Says:

    Her favorite toys are pens! You cannot have a pen in my house. They all belong to her. The moment you leave on unattended…it goes under the stove (her "secret" stash). About once a month, I empty the stash and normally find about 10 toys, 10 pens and a few really old pieces of food. Sometimes I even find missing earings in there!

    Heloise: keeper of my heart…and pens.
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  2. Bailey's Mom Says:

    Well two that you mentioned they love… The milk carton rings and the twist ties. Also, just newspaper crumpled up, they’ll play with for hours. Their absolute favorite, though, …. at least one of my cats…. is aluminum foil. I can’t even open that drawer without her going crazy!! I crumple that up in a ball and she’ll play ‘fetch’ with it for hours just like a dog!! I’ll throw it and she’ll run after it and bring it right back and drop it at my feet for me to throw again!! It’s her all time favorite toy!!
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  3. *Cara* Says:

    Mine love boxes. Q-tips make a great toy too. And I have this exfoliating glove that they steal and play with for some reason. And paper, one of my cats LOVES to chew on paper so I have to hide all of my bills and receipts.
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  4. breezy Says:

    My kitty plays with her shadow on the wall. I think she thinks it might be another cat. She attacks it like a ninja….
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  5. sam jane Says:

    carrier bags, yes she actually sits in them and lets you carry her round in them

    pens, bobbles and tips for cigertetts she actually runs of with them

    she has a certain toy like a worm which she plays fetch with and when she brings it back for me to throw again she miaws and miaws untl you throw it again for her
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  6. overnightdeejay Says:

    bubble wrap

    the little plastic rings you get off of a new gallon of milk.

    the parts bin on my workbench, (they like to dig around in there for small screws to play with)

    toilet paper rolls…

    each other ( we have five cats)
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  7. Janet Says:

    Paper bags Gatorade lids pens each others tails the dog ( he’s a pitt bull / lab mix ) balls of tin foil water mini blinds napkins
    newspapers inside my cabinets slippers bugs and my favorite …fresh litter
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    I run a Rescue

  8. Manders Says:

    Um, my dog’s leash (when it’s attached to the dog).

    Pens (when you’re trying to write)

    Bread ties


    Plastic bags.

    Oh yeah, and my feet when I’m trying to sleep
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  9. Kristen K Says:

    My two cats love:

    -my blinds(break them all the time)
    -milk jug rings
    -any kind of bottle cap
    -my hair when they are on the back of the couch
    -shoe laces
    -pine cones and leaves(my one cat always brings them inside)
    -books or magazines(shredding, big trouble)
    -towels(anytime there is one lying around, its like a new house to them)
    -any kind of box, big or small, they will try and get into the tiniest of boxes, very entertaining to watch!
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  10. hippieg Says:

    my neighbors chickens oops he ate a baby chick.
    paper bags
    remote control
    window shades
    my hair when hanging over back of couch
    pine cones
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  11. steve aka god Says:

    milk rings plastic bags pens only put on the floor my sons toy snake boxes
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  12. daa Says:

    - Wadded up balls of paper tossed across the room.
    - The plastic sleeves from around the tops of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream cartons.
    - Plastic rings from the tops of milk bottles.
    - Empty toilet paper rolls
    - Paper grocery bags
    - Fingers and toes
    - The dog
    - A flashlight
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  13. Kate Says:

    -bobby pins
    -their shadows
    -the bathroom sink faucet
    -the tub faucet after we shower and it is dripping
    -the television (they love watching tennis, and trying to catch the ball)
    -really anything that is not interesting, becomes interesting to them
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  14. Natasha Says:

    Funniest and most embarassing is Tampons!!
    My cat steals my Tampax from my bag or the bathroom and chases them around the house! Then he leaves them lying around in the hall. LOL :-)
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  15. Jacob Says:

    cats in general are playful, especially kittens. Mine like to play or sleep on paper, feathers, long pencils, pens, wires *unfortunately, water bottles, beer or soda tops, soda can tops punched out, soda cans all in general, lay in cardboard boxes, and many many more things…. thats nessie for ya lol
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