
Oskar the Blind Kitten and His First Toys

Oskar is now on Facebook:

Some of you asked for more Oskar videos, so here we go….. I took this video the day after we adopted him. Since he is completely blind (born without formed eyeballs) we gave him some balls with bells inside. As you can tell, he can “see” them by using his ears! He is such a happy and inspiring cat — we are blessed to have him with us.

Music provided by SMITH’s CLOUD from Lincoln, Nebraska. The track is called A CHANGE OF DAYS.

CDs now available:

Duration : 0:3:22

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25 Responses to “Oskar the Blind Kitten and His First Toys”

  1. ericstev Says:

    What a beautiful …
    What a beautiful little spirit. To the family that gave him a chance and wonderful life; god bless you

  2. 296Mausi Says:

    this cat is sooo …
    this cat is sooo sweet !
    I´m so sad , a blind cat…
    my heart…
    but its so cut to see this cat have a home and a very good family

  3. airtongomeslima Says:

    212 people are …
    212 people are idiots.

  4. Lelija45 Says:

    I’m very happy that …
    I’m very happy that u take care of him. u seem like a really good people.
    although i cried ,,,,,,.. ;(

  5. Sublime570 Says:

    Is the cat fully …
    Is the cat fully blind?

  6. waltervsm Says:

    I can’t explain how …
    I can’t explain how I’m happy, you’re an angel for gives him a home, thank you for all of us, for real.

  7. JohnnyMindcrime Says:

    @KeaniLove These …
    @KeaniLove These things happen all too often in the human & animal world, but it should also make you happy to see all of them overcome disabilities as well – the little guy in the video doesn’t seem too bothered about his blindness, he doesn’t miss what he never had in the first place, and no doubt has an acute sense of hearing to make up for it.

    Good on ya, Oskar! :-)

  8. victoria3934 Says:

    so cute :D  poor …
    so cute :D  poor thing ):

  9. EstebanIrigoyen Says:

    It wouldn’t have …
    It wouldn’t have been so cute if it was a blind human.

  10. GBruzgalov Says:

    Each person has the …
    Each person has the opinion and he should be respected. Means they We have looked at more philosophically this roller, than. Means for itself they haven’ted a negative side of given video. That all of us different. Oscar’s owner collecting means for the thrown pets. If to you it is bad in a shower (abstractly) look at this roller and not once and you will understand that you are healthy and with you all is good!!!
    Каждый человек имеет свое мнение и его надо уважать.

  11. luqman121998 Says:

    @gamewatchers2 Fyi, …
    @gamewatchers2 Fyi, im asian too

  12. drnili Says:

    I wonder what on …
    I wonder what on earth 212 people found to dislike.

  13. naruto9t1 Says:

    @luqman121998 fkin …
    @luqman121998 fkin you and your mom !

  14. GBruzgalov Says:

    @luqman121998 You …
    @luqman121998 You at least have lived life adequately, that so to speak?
    @luqman121998 Ты хотя бы жизнь прожил достойно, чтобы так говорить?

  15. gamewatchers2 Says:

    @luqman121998 you …
    @luqman121998 you are racist

  16. GBruzgalov Says:

    Thanks …
    Thanks Mick12321kciM for impressionable video of one of the finest moments Of our life….. Give best regards to Oscar from Russia! Also remove it more……

    Спасибо Mick12321kciM за впечатлительное видео одного из самых прекрасных моментов Нашей жизни….. Передай привет Оскару из России! И снимай его побольше……

  17. TheGameFederation Says:

    awwwwwwww : …
    awwwwwwww :D DDDDDDDDDd

  18. mydreampublished Says:

    Meu Deus que coisa …
    Meu Deus que coisa linda! (:

  19. oshaggy83 Says:

    This is truly …
    This is truly inspiring. I’ve just been asked to foster a blind cat and I had real concerns until I found your video. It brought tears to my eyes; I think you’re very lucky to have found Oskar and he’s lucky to have you!

  20. MrBananafanatic Says:


  21. BeenieBomb Says:


  22. Limeni69 Says:

    Did the oscar like …
    Did the oscar like the video?

  23. luqman121998 Says:

    He’s not blind. …
    He’s not blind. He’s just Asian!

  24. FinCbDrummer Says:

    poor thing….. ;)

    poor thing….. ;)

  25. JanLilyJing Says:

    People have such an …
    People have such an aversion to “handicaps.” My daughter that I adopted from China at age 7 had had her file sent back many times because of birth defects. Oskar is showing how even with differences you can lead a normal, happy, healthy life just as my daughter is. I love anything that helps people overcome the stigma of birth differences – go Oskar! This was so sweet and I did cry happy tears. Can’t wait to see more of Oskar!

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