
Why does my cat lick catnip toys instead of playing with them?

When my 9 year old orange tabby is given a catnip toy, he hold it between his paws and licks it for hours on end. Is this normal and could it harm him?

Well, I have a scottish fold named shelby and she used to lick my blanket because at a young age she was abandoned by her mother and brother and sister so she wasn’t taught not to nurse anymore. It isn’t bad or anything, because some cats are different than others. Your kitty may not like being arch enemies with his cat nip toy.

5 Responses to “Why does my cat lick catnip toys instead of playing with them?”

  1. Stench Says:

    your cat is a catnip fiend, he just wants to get high
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  2. thresher Says:

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  3. Nikki .p Says:

    he probably likes the cat nip more than the toy
    what to do
    - take a toy mouse that makes noise
    - put cat nip on it
    thats what got my cat going again and he was 18
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  4. Alice Halerson Says:

    Well, I have a scottish fold named shelby and she used to lick my blanket because at a young age she was abandoned by her mother and brother and sister so she wasn’t taught not to nurse anymore. It isn’t bad or anything, because some cats are different than others. Your kitty may not like being arch enemies with his cat nip toy.
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  5. Rachael Caraher Says:

    Might be a obsession. It won’t harm him , just let him do it . If he’s happy then leave it that way.
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