
How can I transition my cat from indoor/outdoor to strictly indoor?

My cat used to have her own cat door with a huge backyard where she could go in and out at her leisure. I have recently moved into a condo complex that does not allow free-roaming pets, so I’m trying to ease her into being an indoor-only cat, but she’s home alone for 12 hours a day! Anyone have any tips for helping her keep from being bored and restless? I give her catnip toys and plenty of sunny windows to gaze out of, but I still feel like a "bad kitty mama."

She seems to be doing just fine. It looks like your the one having a problem more than her. Cat’s adjust very well to the indoors and are loners to begin with anyway. My cat used to be an outdoor cat until I moved also into an apartment which is much smaller than my house. He adjusted fine and sits by the windows and perches himself at a couple of windows and watches birds and squirrels all day in between his cat naps. While you are away your cat will sleep most of the time anyway. They sleep up to around 18 hours a day.

4 Responses to “How can I transition my cat from indoor/outdoor to strictly indoor?”

  1. notyou311 Says:

    Buy or build a cat condo to climb and have fun in. She may also like a window seat so she can look outside. Now that the weather is cold, she will be happy to stay indoors. There are many ingenious toys at the pet store that will amuse her.
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  2. dvm78 Says:

    Be careful about leaving doors open, or the cat darting out when you come in or out. Once they know the outdoors, they try to get back there. Be sure to keep identification on the cat all the time.
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  3. Nana Says:

    She seems to be doing just fine. It looks like your the one having a problem more than her. Cat’s adjust very well to the indoors and are loners to begin with anyway. My cat used to be an outdoor cat until I moved also into an apartment which is much smaller than my house. He adjusted fine and sits by the windows and perches himself at a couple of windows and watches birds and squirrels all day in between his cat naps. While you are away your cat will sleep most of the time anyway. They sleep up to around 18 hours a day.
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  4. jamferris Says:

    Nana is right. Cats sleep most of the time. Just buy some fake planets, put her cat condo around them and she will be a happy cat. Lay some toys on the floor for her to chase.

    Indoor cats are the best because when you come home at the end of the day, they truely want to bond with you.
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